Fighting racism with our spiritual roots in California's Bay area

By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
Paul Lewin's surrealist images of Haitian women and their connection to the spirit world. 
Ernest was in an artist funding workshop this week in downtown Oakland, CA when one of the artist-speakers made a quick comment about the “spiritual roots” of her performances. It prompted one attendee to stand-up and thank her for publicly acknowledging those roots. We also saw works by visual artists that also revealed those spiritual and religious roots. At Spur on Broadway, there was “Dominic Alleluia,” a multi-media work of newspaper, cut-paper, and pen & ink. Across the street at Betti Ono GalleryPaul Lewin's portraits include tiny African masks to indicate the spirit world. We bought a $60 print there. If you’ve not been to Oakland recently, go now to witness this urban arts renewal.