Tah Rules - 10 Guiding Principles


This blog is inspired by many creative and spiritual people. Special thanks to my dad, Ernest Britton (OH), Angela Corley (FL), Dr. Leon Boothe (KY), Gregory Disney (IN), and Leslie Krienes (OH) for their help in shaping a set of principles to guide my life philosophy. The biggest thanks is due to my spiritual friend Robert Maverick. During a 2007 visit to see him in California, he greated me with a huge sign with the words "Tah Rules" as my official welcome.

Here are the 10 "Tah Rules" he printed-up:
  1. FOLLOW one passion.
  2. ACCEPT only your ideal. 
  3. FINISH what you start.
  4. KEEP Sunday for family. 
  5. REMEMBER why you started.
  6. Never let love SLIP away.
  7. Never JOURNEY alone.
  8. Never TAKE CREDIT not earned.
  9. Never MISLEAD with silence.
  10. Never DISHONOR another's passion.