Fighting With Muslims

Where is the common ground on creating a sense of community at New York City's 9-11 museum and Jerusalem's Museum of Tolerance? The odd man out, in both instances is the Islamic community. I'm not a Muslim, but am Roman Catholic, and I'm watching these two conflicts with saddness. What can be done? In NY, I'm with the Jewish mayor, Mr. Bloomberg who believes if would be a "sad day" if the opponents won. Couple his stance with President Obama's message to Islamic leaders that this was a case of religious freedom, and it's obvious that we all should support building this new center. I say that those opposed to the building of an Islamic center, two whole blocks away from the 9-11 site need to put aside their fear and offer a hand of friendship. For those in Jerusalem seeking to build a Jewish-initiated museum on contested Islamic holy ground, they also need to offer hands of cooperation to work together in finding an alternative location. The common denominator in each is that we are not listening with our hearts to the voices of our Islamic brothers & sisters; and if we continue down these roads of defiance, fear and anger, we will only destroy the noble intentions of both museums.