St. John's Bones | Bulgaria
Three key words are central to today's post: sarcophagus, reliquary and relics. Archeologists in Bulgaria report they've uncovered the bones of John the Baptist, the beheaded prophet who baptized Jesus Christ. They were found in a sarcophagus, or miniature coffin inside a monastery altar at the ruins of a fifth-century monastery on the Black Sea island of Sveti Ivan. The sarcophagus had been placed inside a reliquary, or container for relics (A relic is an object or a personal item of religious significance, carefully preserved with an air of veneration as a tangible memorial). The find also includes an inscription stating, "Saint John." The remains will continue to be analyzed, and while there are some skeptics and competitors for the honor, the remains will be displayed at Sozopol's Orthodox Church of Saint George. (Read: More)