Matthew 7:7-11 (Ask)

Matthew 7:7-11 is a great reminder of the power of prayer! All we need to do is ask our father in heaven. He may not always give what we desire, but surely what we need. I have been asking for clarity on the Kreines wedding. He keeps telling me to go and show her family the love she shows many!
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Tahlib said…
What struck me most is three lines, "Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn't a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in." Today, I did ask. I asked God to give Michael David Bourke strength to go out on his own; also strength for you to handle your mom as she grapples with illness all around her; and I asked him whether we should go the wedding. He said same thing to me that he said to you. It's good to pray and ask directly.

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