Scholarship: Carl Bloch | Utah

Danish artist Carl Heinrich Bloch was born in 1834 and is best known for his religious paintings. "God helps me," he once said. "That's what I think, and then I'm calm." While I am unclear about his denominational affiliation, he has been widely embraced by the Church of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and just in time for the Carl Bloch: The Master's Hand exhibition (thru March 7) at Brigham Young University's Museum of Art in Utah, two books on the artist have also been released. The first is The Master's Hand: The Art of Carl Heinrich Bloch which includes 95 works by the artist, as well as commentary on each of the images. The second book, This is the Christ is a visual look at the life of Christ as depicted in many of the 250 paintings of Carl Bloch.