The Wanderer | NYC
By Ernest O. Britton
NEW YORK --- Following WWII, an inscription was found scratched on a wall in Germany by someone hiding from deportation to a Nazi concentration camp: "I believe in the sun even when it is not shining... in love even when I am alone... and in God even when he is silent." Those words haunted me during the Alpha & Omega Journeys visit to an exhibition of Martinez Celaya's The Wanderer at the Museum of Biblical Art. Celeya's paintings are a series of desolate landscapes leading the viewer to question the existence or intention of God. It's not the traditional Biblical Art exhibition where the connections to biblical narrative are clear, this exhibition is more about questioning assumptions about how we perceive God or as the WWII inscription suggests, how we know God exists "even when he is silent." The exhibit’s guest curator is Daniel Siedell, author of God in the Gallery
and assistant professor of art history at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. After visiting MoBIA, visitors can then head a few streets north to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine to see more of Celeya. We didn't make it to St. John the Divine to see Celeya's installation but recommend watching this video to catch a glimpse of what we saddly missed.
By Ernest O. Britton
NEW YORK --- Following WWII, an inscription was found scratched on a wall in Germany by someone hiding from deportation to a Nazi concentration camp: "I believe in the sun even when it is not shining... in love even when I am alone... and in God even when he is silent." Those words haunted me during the Alpha & Omega Journeys visit to an exhibition of Martinez Celaya's The Wanderer at the Museum of Biblical Art. Celeya's paintings are a series of desolate landscapes leading the viewer to question the existence or intention of God. It's not the traditional Biblical Art exhibition where the connections to biblical narrative are clear, this exhibition is more about questioning assumptions about how we perceive God or as the WWII inscription suggests, how we know God exists "even when he is silent." The exhibit’s guest curator is Daniel Siedell, author of God in the Gallery