Warner Sallman, the Artist Who Painted "The Head of Christ"

By Gary Demuth
"The Head of Christ" (1940) By Warner Sallman
INDIANA - In 1924, Warner E. Sallman saw a vision of Jesus Christ, and from it created, according to Newsweek, the most reproduced work in art history, "The Head of Christ" (1940). "Many images of Christ have been painted, but this one has stood the test of time," said the Rev. LeRoy Carlson, founder and president of the Warner E. Sallman Art Collection in Chicago. Sallman's Christ was printed on the cover of the July 9, 2007, issue of Newsweek magazine, which called Sallman's painting the most reproduced religious work of art in history, having been reproduced more than a billion times. The "Head of Christ," [is part of the fine art collection at] Anderson University, Anderson, Ind.. Carlson said. "He painted with devotion, he painted with strength, and for many people his Jesus has become their Jesus." [link]