(PHOTOS) Five Faiths Friday: "Hate Speech"

By Tahlib

Two words dominated the religious art news landscape this week: "Hate Speech" vs. "Freedom of Speech", raising the question of how do reasonable people tell the difference between the two? The difference is simple. If you agree with the message, then blocking it is violation of your freedom of speech. That is the feeling of Buddhists whose statues were destroyed by Islamists in Afghanistan. On the other hand, if you disagree with the message, then you are fighting hate speech like the Christian leaders in Germany seeking to remove a controversial cartoon from a museum. Is there a right, or wrong way to proceed? At A&O, our position is to never restrict artistic freedom, and never to attack another's faith.
Artists in San Francisco respond to what they consider to be a hate speech against Muslims
Questions raised about rebuilding the Buddhist statues destroyed by the Taliban.
Christian leaders in Germany are outraged by a museum display featuring Jesus on cross
Orthodox priest in Russia mounts campaign to restore traditional values
Arts educator looks at the current cultural wars in USA through the lens of "Piss Christ"