San Francisco Museum Displays Lord Ganesha at International Airport

By Tapa Menon
CALIFORNIA---SFO Museum at San Francisco International Airport (USA) is holding an exhibition “Deities in Stone: Hindu Sculpture” till February next, containing sculptures of Hindu deities and other Hindu artifacts. This exhibition at F2 – North Connect Gallery on Terminal 3 contains granite, stone, sandstone, schist and gabbro stone sculptures of Hindu deities Brahma, Vishnu with Lakshmi and Sarasvati, Surya flanked by Pingala and Danda, Shiva as divine teacher, Durga killing the buffalo demon, Ganesha, Parvati, Tripurasundari, four of the seven Mother Goddesses, Chamunda, Garuda and Harihara. A collodion silver print of Kalyana Mandapa in Jalakanteshvara Temple is also reportedly exhibited. [link]


Exhibit sounds very intriguing. However, do you have to purchase an airline ticket to gain access to the museum?
I wonder about that too. It's hard to recall how the SF airport is setup. My bet though is that its for those inside the gates (already ticketed) because they would be the primary target.

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