Matthew Shepard: An Icon of the Queer God

By Rev. Daniel C. Storrs
This icon of Matthew was painted by Fr. William McNichols
A young man is alive but unconscious. His broken, bloodied and disfigured body is tied up and left for the beasts of the field to satisfy their savage cravings. His body is perfectly still, devoid of all movement, almost mythical to the nature that surrounds it. This man we have just beheld could easily be Jesus on the day of his crucifixion. However, the man we have gazed upon is not Jesus, dying some 2,000 years ago on a cross, but rather our brother Matthew Shepard, tied to a fence in October 1998. Matthew is an icon of God, as we all are, a child created in the image and beauty of the Divine. Matthew is specifically an icon of the Queer God, as found in the hearts and faces of all those who were born outside the perceived normal realms of straight sexual orientation or gender identity. [link]


This piece is just stunning! It makes me sit silently and think about how human beings can treat each other so poorly!
This was really one of the saddest moments in contemporary American history but connecting MS with tthe Christ figure helps to put his sacrifice in the context of what it takes to change peoples hatefilled perceptions.
D said…
Thank you for your beautiful words! Peace be with you!
Come north and visit some time very soon, and let's go check out some religious art!

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