By Ernest Disney-Britton
In "Magnetism" (above), Saudi artist Ahmed Mater al-Ziad’s creates a doorway through which even non-Muslims can experience the powerful pull of the Hajj. This week as over 2 million pilgrims went to Mecca to walk in prayer around the sacred black cube known as the Kaaba, Ahmed Mater's photograuve series was on view in London at the Edge of Arabia exhibition. Hajj participants say that strangers who meet during this annual journey leave forever bound. Similarly, in this week's film release, "Cloud Atlas" adapted from David Mitchell's novel about faith, choices, and all the things that bind us, one of his characters declares, “...there ain't no journey what don't change you some.” The magnetism of such journeys makes Ahmed Mater’s photographs my NEWS OF WEEK.

In other Religious Art news from across the USA, and around the world:
A&O PRIZE 2012 voting begins November 1, 2012, but you can still register today: [join here]. It's an annual opportunity to join a journey with creators, believers, and skeptics too celebrating the  impact of the Religious-in-Art within the United States. Who is this Religious Art prize for? It's for you.
Ghilaf-e-Kabaa changing ceremony held
Hajj 2012: Muslims Embark On Pilgrimage To Mecca
Idul Adha: A Period Of Great Sacrifice
Ahmed Mater al-Ziad demonstrates his use of magnets and iron filings (2008)