Rutger's Presents "Ornament and Narrative: Women Artists of Eastern Diasporas"

"Lilith in the New World" by Siona Benjamin
NEW JERSEY---Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts presents the exhibtion, "Ornament and Narrative" in conjunction with The Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art, and Society program of Rutgers Institute for Women and Art. This exhibit proposes two streams, ornament and narrative, that animate the work of the participating artists. Strictures against figurative representation have been, to varying degrees and at different moments in history, a part of Muslim, Christian and Jewish cultures and societies. [link]
The artists:

  • Siona Benjamin (India), lives and works in New Jersey 
  • Lalla Eassaydi (Morocco) lives and works in New York 
  • Sissi Ferassat (Iran) lives and works in Vienna 
  • Naomi Safran-Hon (Israel) lives and works in New York 
  • Roya Akhavan (Iran) lives and works in New York 
  • Soody Sharifi (Iran) lives and works in Houston 
  • Najla Arafa (Egypt)
  • Mitra Tabrizian (Iran) lives and works in London 
  • Shahar Yaholam (Israel) lives and works in New York

  • RUTGERS-CAMDEN CENTER FOR THE ARTS STEDMAN GALLERY, Third and Pearl Sts. Camden, NJ 08102 October 15 – December 15, 2012.