A Vatican First: Confirmed For Venice Biennale 2013

By Kamila Kociallowska
St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City. (Photo credit: FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/GettyImages)
The Catholic Church is set to embark upon a new engagement with contemporary art, after confirming that the Vatican will be given its own pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2013. This is the first time the Holy See will be represented at the event – undeniably one of the most prestigious art exhibitions in the world – after several years of discussion. In the past, the Vatican has described the Biennale as a “debacle” which demonstrates “the breakdown of art in modern times”. Italy’s La Stampa newspaper revealed that the “subject matter will be the first 11 chapters of the Book of Genesis”.[link]


Jack said…
I do not use twitter. My life is outside of internet. I would appreciate working e-mail. Anyway Trying to contact Alfa & Omega arts reg their artist submission I learned that the e-mail address posted is not valid. Trying to reach one of the names featured here next I learned that this person is long gone from his place of employment. Guys keep your info current.

When comes to above subject there is rumor on internet all apparently from same source with nothing specific. If this is true with only 6 months to go I am sure there is number of artists already selected and working on their art. Otherwise make no sense to ask somebody to come out with relevant artwork in matter of weeks.
Good luck on your search. My email by the way is Ernest@AlphaOmegaArts.org

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