Pope: Easy Annulments Undercut Value of Marriage

VATICAN CITY---Pope Benedict XVI says granting annulments too easily is undercutting the value of lifelong marriage. In a speech Saturday, he asked the Vatican's highest appeals court to consider reviewing church rules on marriage annulments. He told to the members of the tribunal of the Roman Rota, that "lack of faith" on the part of the spouses can affect the validity of a marriage, according to Religion News Service. According to Catholic News Service, Benedict cautioned that tribunals need to defend the sacrament of marriage as a lifelong commitment by requiring deep and serious causes for a religious divorce. [link]


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Family Systems Therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that works with families to nurture change and development. It is based on the belief that, regardless of the origin of problem, whether clients consider it an individual or family issue, involving families in the solution is often beneficial. marriage

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