Shiva, Vishnu and Devi Inspire Satish Gupta's Sculpture Paintings

By Tanya Singhal
Mix: An experiment in merging dimensions.
INDIA---Satish Gupta experiments with sculpture painting Indian instrumental music playing in the background acts like a foil to the art work of Satish Gupta displayed at Zazen Studio. The artist’s solo after a gap of six years is titled ‘Transcending Eternity’. The underlying theme is Shiva, the energy that absorbs, Vishnu, the emanating energy and Devi, who transfers the energy. The first segment depicts nine different forms of Shiva from the Tanjore temple, the source of Satish’s inspiration. The Rudra Shiva, a major sculpture in the show, is the interpretation of Shiva revealing himself to Brahma and Vishnu in one mythological episode. The sculptures are in copper, Satish’s favourite material. “I like more organic and earthy materials instead of synthetic ones. Structurally, I use stainless steel, but it’s all hidden,” says the artist. [link]