Putnam Valley Resident (NY) Displays Massive Religious Art Mural of Postcards
By Dan Curtis
NEW YORK---Artist Suzanne Kraus-Mancuso of Putnam Valley has produced an art display at Graymoor’s Our Lady of Atonement Chapel that consists of 1,500 postcard-sized paintings of holy places throughout the world, many from the Hudson Valley. The massive display, which has taken her three years to amass, is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world. Many of the churches, temples and other holy places in the mural depict specific places throughout the Hudson Valley from Manhattan to Troy, N.Y. People from around the state and throughout the world have sent Kraus-Mancuso photos of holy places for her to paint and add to the massive display.[link]
By Dan Curtis
NEW YORK---Artist Suzanne Kraus-Mancuso of Putnam Valley has produced an art display at Graymoor’s Our Lady of Atonement Chapel that consists of 1,500 postcard-sized paintings of holy places throughout the world, many from the Hudson Valley. The massive display, which has taken her three years to amass, is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world. Many of the churches, temples and other holy places in the mural depict specific places throughout the Hudson Valley from Manhattan to Troy, N.Y. People from around the state and throughout the world have sent Kraus-Mancuso photos of holy places for her to paint and add to the massive display.[link]