Kindergarten Teacher Uses Religious Art to Teach Judaism, Environmentalism, and Creativity

By Donald Harrison
Skot Golden-Needham and his kindergarten teacher Lori Bunshaft
show off aron kodesh models inside the real one at Temple Emanu-El
CALIFORNIA---Skot Golden-Needham shyly approached the aron kodesh on Sunday, Dec. 8, with his kindergarten teacher Lori Bunshaft. Then, turning around, he displayed the model aron kodesh that he made and Mora Lori showed another one fashioned by one of his classmates. Bunshaft said her idea was to teach the kindergarteners about one very special place in their synagogue — the Holy Ark where the Torahs are kept — and also to teach them about recycling and repurposing into art the materials that might otherwise end up in our nation’s landfills. Judaism, environmentalism and art, all wrapped into one — just as they should be. [link]

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