By Priscilla Frank
Gelare Khoshgozaran rial & tERROR, 2011, Stereo Video Still Courtesy of the artist |
CALIFORNIA---How does the Western hemisphere view the Islamic world?
Los Angeles/Islam Arts Initiative offers an alternative approach to understanding (or at least beginning to see) the so-called Islamic world, using art as a vessel. The first of its kind, LA/IA will bring together 30 cultural institutions from around L.A., focusing on both contemporary and traditional Islamic arts. The initiative isn't rigidly fastened to the religion of Islam; it features art by non-Muslim artists from Muslim-dominant countries, as well as work by Muslims creating art in non-Muslim dominant countries, and work by artists culturally influenced by Islam. [
George Awde, Untitled, series of 24 inkjet prints and smaller
viewing table of prints, 2007-2014. Image Courtesy of the Artist. |