Art of Nathan Hilu, 89, Seen Through the Lens of Torah

By Cori Urban
The art of Nathan Hilu is on display at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst.
NEW YORK---There’s an urgency to Nathan Hilu’s art. “He wants to share his observations and thoughts about his life, and he has an urgency to be certain his … viewers fully understand the background of the images he’s presenting,” said Laura E. Kruger, curator of the Hebrew Union College Museum in New York City where several hundred pieces of Hilu’s artwork are archived. She prepared the traveling exhibition, “Nathan Hilu’s Journal: Word, Image, Memory" on display at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst. [link]

“Nathan Hilu’s Journal: Word, Image, Memory" runs through Sept 30 at the Yiddish Book Center's Brechner Gallery; the center is open Sunday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, go to’s-journal-word-image-memory.