Imagining life after Eden

"Cristaux de Lumière" (2015) by Lionel Estève
The poet Sandra Lim and the artist Lionel Estève consider life for Adam and Eve after the fall, as a banal reality begins to crystallize. [link]
Ennui and unemployment.
White cyclamens bruise their imaginations.
Oh my darling, says Adam, I don’t like the sound of that cough.
Mountains blacken above the water.
Time for spring cleaning.
They fashion the word moon to describe their hallucinatory loneliness.
They loosen the belts on their woolen bathrobes.
Now they have to live in their bodies.
A small crucifix opens to become a knife.
They see that the only reason they survived the first snake was their youth.
They consider how many times they have been loved.
Eve remarks, Waiters are so much nicer than people.
Time falls upon them like an ox.
What need is there for me to tell you about the dry anguish in the evenings.