Ernest Disney-Britton
The next 40 days and nights of
Lent will come and go again this year without a single mark on the lives of most Christians. Lent contrasts dramatically with the mark of
Ramadan as experienced by Muslims. For 30 days, they are one world-community joined in fasting from dawn to dusk. Ramadan is central to their religious identity. The Ramadan fast makes them healthier both spiritually and physically.
Buddhists and
Jews all fast, but as Christians,
we prefer feasting to fasting. As we approach
Ash Wednesday and 40 days of Lent, we should all fear that we'll awaken again on Easter morning "without a single mark."
He looked surprised in discovering his wound. As if it was an afterthought and looked down to see what was going on. I thought it was interesting also that if you stood on his right side you couldn't see the presumed stab wound really but his expression on that side showed the most surprise to me. Where did he get that from?! [link] |