By Hettie Judah
Venus, by Sandro Botticelli, about 1490. Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Photo: Volker-H. Schneider |
Across three sharply delineated displays, "
Botticelli Reimagined" considers the work and influence of the 15th century Florentine master. The Victoria & Albert Museum—an Arts and Crafts-inflected temple to the sibling status of the fine and decorative arts—puts its distinctive institutional stamp on the subject, examining
Botticelli's influence in the fields of fashion, textiles, and cinema as well as his design of powerful pictorial compositions. This is an ambitious and complex show, touching on issues of religion, power, and aesthetics across five centuries. [
Rebirth of Venus, by David LaChapelle, 2009, Creative Exchange Agency, New York, Steven Pranica / Studio LaChapelle. © David LaChapelle |