By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
#IndyArtRising by the Arts Council of Indianapolis
What better way to celebrate Labor Day than to honor artists? Two-days ago, during a revival-like gathering for the arts, complete with a 23-student show choir breaking out with "Joyful, Joyful" from Sister Act 2, the mayor of Indianapolis and the Arts Council praised the labors of local artists. They noted their local impact on neighborhoods, on schools, and on job creation that annually results in a $440 million economic impact. They also announced a new grants program for visual artists and invited the nearly 1,000 assembled to join the "IndyArtRising." On this Labor Day, Alpha Omega Arts honors the hardest laboring people we know, artists.

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Remembering José de Páez (1720–1790) on Labor Day 2017
Happy Labor Day to Minnesota photographer Alec Soth
Happy Labor Day to Indiana artist Anila Quayyum Agha
Happy Labor Day to New York City painter Joel Silverstein
Happy Labor Day to Utah painter Jon McNaughton