Where 12th-century graffiti meets contemporary abstract art

By Miriam Diez Bosch
One of the most successful contemporary artists, Sean Scully (Dublin b. 1945), has joined his abstract painting to the regal beauty of Romanesque art in the restoration of the church of Santa Cecilia in Montserrat. There, a Scully Institute of Art and Spirituality has been installed as a restored space that places the Romanesque mural paintings, considered medieval “grafitti,” alongside more contemporary abstract works. Regarding this new enterprise that unites art and spirituality, the Montserrat Museum Director, Father Laplana, said, “Art is an activity of the free man who uses his creative fantasy to express his deepest longings for fulfillment.”[More]/>
Sean Scully. Altar Cross, 2013. Glass and steel. Chapel of Santa Cecilia.