By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
Maggie Meiners, Freedom from Want. © Maggie Meiners. Courtesy of the artist.
How many misfits didn't have a home for Thanksgiving this year? Did you welcome them? Photographer Maggie Meiners reimagines being a misfit in America today, and much of it is inspired by a 2010 visit to the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. It was there while facing Rockwell's Freedom from Want (1943), that she questioned what today's ideal American family looks like? In "Revisiting Rockwell," she explores themes from Black Lives Matter to gay dads. That makes Maggie Meiners's Freedom from Want, our art of the week.
Maggie Meiner's "Four Freedoms" (2017) Archival inkjet print7 × 5 in; 17.8 × 12.7 cm
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Ernest and Gregory at Winterlights at Newfields (Indianapolis Museum of Art)

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