By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
From the series "Río Abajo: Drifting Away #7" (2008) by Erika Diettes at the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, Saint Louis, MO
Erika Diettes is a photographer who explores issues of memory, pain, absence, and death. Her “Río Abajo: Drifting Away #7" is one part of a photographic series of twenty-six pieces of clothing created in response to the disappearances of her fellow Columbians. Like the play “The Diary of Anne Frank,” Diettes’s #7, a corpse-like blue shirt floating down a river is a spiritual charge to face violence early, including our own MAGA movement. “Drifting Away #7" by Erika Diettes is now at the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, and that’s why it is our art of the week.

NEWS OF 2008-2019 from across the USA, and around the world:
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Diettes (Columbia, 1978) proudly standing alongside her glass printed photograph from her series Momento Mori. Photo by Sasha Hill
"Drifting Away" by Erika Diettes at the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, Saint Louis, MO. Photo by Gregory Disney-Britton
Parroquia Nuestra Senora De Las Nieves - Bogota D.C., Columnbia (2014). Photo by Paula Alvarado
From the series RÍO ABAJO: Drifting Away #7 by Erika Diettes; Digital photography. Prints on crystal 60.0 X 35.2 IN.