By Sherry Paik
Madhvi Parekh, Sea God (1971). Courtesy the artist. |
According to Kishore Singh, the curator of The Curious Seeker at DAG New York (13 September–27 October 2019), the artist Madhvi Parekh 'defies categorisation'. Parekh's oeuvre—from drawings and paintings to serigraphs and reverse paintings—fluidly draws from multiple sources, including European modernist works, Indian folk art, religious iconography, and personal memories. THindu fables are frequently referenced throughout Parekh's vivid paintings. The oil on canvas Sea God (1971) depicts a three-legged figure with bulbous limbs, surrounded by mythical creatures floating in bodies of blue and green. [
Madhvi Parekh, Playing With Animals (1989) (detail). Oil on canvas. 113.5 x 139.7 cm. Courtesy the artist. |
Madhvi Parekh, Fantasy (Under Sea) (1979). Oil on canvas. 106.7 x 91.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. |