Stephen Towns, We shall part the waves through turbulent waters, 2019, 35 x 46 inches / 88.9 x 116.8 cm. |
De Buck Gallery will present a booth this weekend at EXPO Chicago featuring an exciting selection of new and recent works by Devan Shimoyama,
Stephen Towns, Rashaad Newsome, Sharif Bey, and Amani Lewis. The selection will include sculptural works by Bey, collages by Newsome, as well as highlight a number of figurative paintings by Shimoyama, Towns, and Lewis. The work in this booth is emotive and personal, with artists creating pieces that allude to narratives from their own life, the stories of their communities, and the stories of women in their families.
EXPO Chicago - September 19 - 22, 2018; Booth 434; Navy Pier, Festival Hall; 600 E Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL.