SALT LAKE TRIBUNEBy Peggy Fletcher Stack
(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) The LDS Church plans to remove three original paintings by LDS artist Minerva Teichert from an east Salt Lake City chapel, including “Shepherds of Bethlehem,” left, and “Three Women Encountering an Angel at the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea,” which has some local members concerned.
When Tim Teichert entered the chapel earlier this month in his Cokeville Latter-day Saint meetinghouse, which had been closed for months due to the coronavirus pandemic, to his horror, he spied empty spaces on the wall where two large paintings by his grandmother had hung.
Famed artist Minerva Teichert, who lived most of her married life in the tiny Wyoming town, had hung two of her original works — “Cast Your Net to the Other Side” and “Handcart Pioneers” — there herself in the 1960s, even pasting them to the wall.
In an instant, the grandson knew who had removed them: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ own History Department. [
(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) The LDS Church plans to remove three original paintings by LDS artist Minerva Teichert from an east Salt Lake City chapel, including “Shepherds of Bethlehem,” and some local members are concerned.