
Showing posts from January, 2010

Quoting Confucius

Baroque Art (c.1600-1700)

What is the Renaissance?

Quoting Thoreau

Sistine Chapel Ceiling | Italy

Quoting Michelangelo

Art Institute of Chicago

Antoni Gaudi's Cathedral, La Sagrada Familia | Spain

Quoting Plato

Artist: Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Quoting Aristotle

Quoting Augustine

Vatican Museums | Italy

The Boney Church | Praque

Quoting Kant

A&O Meetup: Transforming Methodist Church into Landmark Offices in Indianapolis

Religious Art for the NonBeliever

Passing Strange

Book: "Seeing Rothko" (2005)

Andy Warhol Quotes

Crossing in l-70

Crossing in l-70

Harold Finster's Paradise Garden at the High Museum of Art

St. John the Evangelist | Indy

Sacred Spaces: St. John the Evangelist | Indianapolis, IN

Book: "Rothko" (2005)

St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption | Kentucky

St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption | Kentucky

New Year's Resolution, January 1, 2010

Artist: Diego Velázquez | Spain