Ars Moriendi: the Fine Art of Dying

March 7, 2011

UNITED KINGDOM--Artist Joanna Walsh’s ‘Ars Moriendi: the art of dying’ is an artwork being created in the foyer space of Wellcome Collection, exploring our relationship with death through personal and quietly affecting drawings. In this article, the artist talks about her project. "I investigated art from Wellcome Library, including Ars Moriendi, the medieval instruction manual for a 'good' death in the Christian tradition, but also portrayals of death from other cultures and other eras: vanitas art designed to remind the living owner of the precarious nature of mortality, and grave goods from ancient civilisations made to ensure a smooth transition for the soul from its before- to after-death existence." See 'Ars Moriendi' take shape at Wellcome Collection until 20 March. [link]