Islamic Rape Depiction in Algeria, the Reason for "Firing"

April 10, 2011
"Maportaliche" (2011) by Mustapha Benfodil
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - The ruler of United Arab Emirates sheikhdom Sharjah fired the director of the Sharjah Biennial exhibition after work by Mustapha Benfodil, an Algerian artist was deemed offensive. "Maportaliche," or "It Has No Importance," depicts a group of headless mannequins in soccer uniforms with Arabic words printed on their shirts. The exhibit included graffiti on nearby walls and a text entitled "Soliloquy of Cherifa," representing women who were raped by Islamists during Algeria’s civil war in the 1990s, according to the Esprit de Babel blog, which carried a statement from Benfodil. [link]

Image courtesy of Esprit de babel
Another view from e-flux