Jennifer Ewing's Boats of Spiritual Passage

"Spirit Boats" by Jennifer Ewing
CALIFORNIA - Jennifer Ewing, whose work was recently featured as part of the artist-in-residence program at the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum in Golden Gate Park, has now constructed hundreds of boats - from paper, papier-mache and plastic. Some boats are covered in paper she stained with coffee; other boats have feathers, twine, tissue, fabric and palm bark. "Boats are the container for the journey, for this realization that we all become something else. Boats are about passage" Ewing said, standing in her studio. Around the quiet, well-lit room were large canvases she painted with boats and moons. Small, ethereal looking boats were placed on tables and dangled from above. When her boats were on display at the de Young, in an exhibition titled "Spirit Boats: Totem Boats for Personal Journeys," visitors made their own boats and tucked notes about journeys of faith, grief and transcendence into the vessels. "The boats are for one person, for one person's journey," she said. [link]
