Canadian Art Master of an Earlier Religious Era, Finally Has a Showcase
By Peggy Curran
CANADA - The ghost of Guido Nincheri is rising in an Art Deco house on a forgotten stretch of Pie IX Blvd. In the first decades of the last century, that golden age of church-going and churchbuilding in North America, Nincheri was the master craftsman in greatest demand, designing lavish frescoes and luminous stained-glass windows for 220 congregations from Westmount to Windsor, Ont., and Woonsocket, R.I., Baie Comeau to Boston. Over the last 10 years, Boccini Nincheri has visited more than half the churches Nincheri worked on, photographing 1,500 of an estimated 5,000 stained glass windows and compiling a meticulous inventory of themes, artistic influences, geographical references and real-life models. "Every single thing has a story behind it." Boccini Nincheri has organized an exhibit of religious art, which was on exhibit at the Roxboro library during October. [link]
By Peggy Curran
A window by Guido Nincheri |