Analyst Predicts The Arab Spring is the End of Artistic Freedom, and More
By Mark Silverberg
With all the talk of revolutions, the Middle East continues to slip backwards. If Sharia is to become the supreme adjudicator of future legislation across the Arab world, it can also be assumed that Islamic law will validate the ethnic cleansing of Jews, mandatory donning of the veil for women, the execution of homosexuals, prostitutes and apostates (those who convert away from Islam), bans on music, dancing, men and women mixing in public (the effect of which will suffocate philosophy, art and research), suppression of freedom of expression for artists, journalists and writers, the punishment of those in the media who disagree with their government, and the practicing of any religion other than Islam (witness the recent attacks on Copts and Christian Coptic churches in Egypt). Change is indeed coming, [and] it is clear that the “Arab Spring” is morphing into an "Islamic awakening." [link]
By Mark Silverberg
With all the talk of revolutions, the Middle East continues to slip backwards. If Sharia is to become the supreme adjudicator of future legislation across the Arab world, it can also be assumed that Islamic law will validate the ethnic cleansing of Jews, mandatory donning of the veil for women, the execution of homosexuals, prostitutes and apostates (those who convert away from Islam), bans on music, dancing, men and women mixing in public (the effect of which will suffocate philosophy, art and research), suppression of freedom of expression for artists, journalists and writers, the punishment of those in the media who disagree with their government, and the practicing of any religion other than Islam (witness the recent attacks on Copts and Christian Coptic churches in Egypt). Change is indeed coming, [and] it is clear that the “Arab Spring” is morphing into an "Islamic awakening." [link]