NYC artist Yona Verwer on view in Michigan Museum

By Ernest Britton
"Cemetery dodges the wrecking ball" by Yona Verwer
24" x 72" | Mixed media on Canvas | Courtesy of the Artist
MICHIGAN - NYC-based artist Yona Verwer, and head of NYC's Jewish Art Salon is one of the featured artists in "Silent Witnesses: Migration stories through Synagogues Transformed, Rebuilt, or Abandoned" (through April 13, 2012) at the The Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills (Metro Detroit). The Artists in this exhibition are researchers and travelers. As interpreters of history, they photograph, document, represent, they weave together the stories of the past and the present. The exhibition explores how Synagogues are built by Communities with hope and prayers for the future, and yet as places of tradition, they change over time into new forms for the present.

Silent Witnesses - CAJM Dinner
Photo by Miriam Stern of works by Joan Roth and Yona Verwer
