Baby Jesus Blows up in a Blaze of Glory

By Marisa Martin
Last weekend 32,000 eyewitnesses in Barcelona watched their beloved Basilica Sagrada Familia melt before their eyes. Fortunately, a succession of reality-shaking resurrections immediately followed this apparent catastrophe, shared by video with millions across the globe. Who are the magicians who could plot and perform such a colossal trompe l’oie? The honors fall at the feet of Canadian artists and technical wizards who are known collectively as “The Moment Factory.” They created this spectacular multi-media technique, loosely labeled “video mapping,” to illuminate by light, sound and effects the inspired masterpiece of Catalonian architecture. They call it “Ode Ă  la vie,” a tribute to life, hope and rebirth as indicated by the basilica’s incredibly intricate nativity scene. [link]
