Busy Idol-Makers Prepare for First Hindu Festival of Year: "Ganesh Chaturthi"

A Gujarati woman giving finishing touches to Plaster-of-Paris
Ganesha Idol at Krishnalanka in Vijayawada of Ganesh Chaturthi. Photo: V.Raju
INDIA---With only two weeks left, preparations for the upcoming Ganesh Chaturthi have begun in many households. Right from booking tickets, to buying new clothes, houses are abuzz with excitement for the first Hindu festival of the year. Think of the festival and the first image that comes to everybody’s mind is that of a gigantic idol on procession on the roads, but what many people might not know is the planning and effort that goes into shaping these idols. For idol-makers preparations begin six months before the festival. For their only source of income for entire year, these artists come with families and work for 19 to 20 hours a day. [link]

Ganesh Chaturthi in 2012 is on Wednesday, the 19th of September.