Yudi Noor Blends Mysticism and Material, Creating Playful Abstract Sculptures in Berlin

By Alexander Forbes, Modern Painters
"Cut Flower," 2012, thread, embroidery on linen
GERMANY---Yudi Noor’s works are something of a mystery — and indeed, to a great extent, you’re simply not meant to comprehend them. For the artist himself, it’s a quasi-spiritual and mystical impulse that leads him to build sculptures and installations from objects he’s collected over the years. “I like putting things together without reason,” he says of this process in which tangible items combine to form an abstraction. “I will have to ask the ghosts in order to make sure that the sculpture is strong in the end,” he continues, in total sincerity. Much of this practice stems from Noor’s childhood in Indonesia. [link] View "Slide Show"
