College Students Organize Interfaith Celebration of Prophet Muhammad

By Tahlib
"Midnight Prayers" by Helen Zughaib
Winner of the 2009 A&O Prize for Contemporary Religious Art
UNITED KINGDOM---A group of creative believers in the UK are organizing an art exhibition to "unite people from different faiths and backgrounds by clearing misconceptions about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)." They have named themselves, Mercy to Mankind and the  exhibition is planned for display at the University of Wolverhampton in late January. The group invites people of diverse backgrounds to produce works which will be displayed alongside a "hadith". A hadith is a saying or act ascribed to the Prophet Muhammad. According to the organizers website, "Anything which can be displayed on a canvas with the exception of animal and human drawings. No depictions of Allah, Prophet and, Angels." [link]

Key dates for Mercy to Mankind Exhibition: 
  • January 20, 2013- Submission of art work 
  • Friday, January 25 - Exhibition opens to the students at the university 
  • Saturday, January 26 - Exhibition opens to the artists, tutors, local organisations and businesses 
  • Sunday, January 27 - Exhibition opens to the public 
  • Monday, January 28 - Exhibition opens to the public and students