Millions of Hindu's Run Naked in World's Largest Religious Gathering

By Daily Mail Reporter
Celebrating: Hindu holy men run naked into the waters of the Ganges at Sangam, at the start of the Maha Kumbh Mela in Allahabad
INDIA --- Millions of Hindus followed naked holy men into the cold waters of the Ganges today as part of the world's largest gathering of people. The ceremony in the Indian city of Allahabad came on the most auspicious day of the Maha Kumbh Mela, a 55-day religious festival which is expected to attract well over 100 million bathing pilgrims. A top festival official said nearly 3million people had bathed by late morning and 11 million were expected to enter the frigid water by the end of Monday. [link]

Ceremonial" Holy men shout slogans after bathing in river