75 Year Celebration for an Angel: Verneida Britton (b. August 7, 1938)

By Ernest Disney-Britton
"Good Morning Lord" by Ernest E. Varner
Every morning,  Monday-Friday, I call my mom in Cincinnati at 8:00 a.m. to say "Goodmorning." Today's call to Verneida Britton included "Happy Birthday" because today we kick-off 5-days of celebrations for her 75th year! Born in Xenia, Ohio in 1938, we'll be going skydiving in Xenia at her birthplace on Saturday but it begins in Cincinnati today. In fact, right now (10:00 a.m.), her museum son: Richard Cooper is throwing her a surprise party at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center where she has been one of his docents since 2004. Greg and me are bringing the champagne, but we'll will be back in Indianapolis at lunch-time. What a better way to celebrate 75 years than five-days of surprises for an Angel?

Confetti Fruit Cupcake--Dipped Strawberries & Bananas
from Kai & Tocara to "Nana" (Friday, August 9, 2013)
Skydiving in Xenia, OH (Saturday, August 10, 2013)

Kindle Paperwhite & Sympathy Card (Sunday, August 11, 2013):
"We want to express our sympathy for your loss 
and to let you know that our thoughts are with you"
because your birthday celebration is over. Love Greg & Ernest