A Caravan of Egyptian Donkeys at St Paul’s Cathedral for Interfaith Peace

25 life-size fibreglass donkeys decorated by Western and Egyptian artists,
 both Muslim and Christian. (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM---Artist painted donkey statues are displayed in the "Caravan: In Peace and with Compassion" at St. Paul’s Cathedral. The exhibition featuring 25 life-size painted donkeys comes from Egypt and is the work of Western and Egyptian artists, both Muslim and Christian, who were each asked to decorate a life-size fiberglass donkey sculpted by Egyptian artist Reda Abdel Rahman. [link]

Caravan: In Peace and with Compassion will be in the South Nave aisle of St Paul’s until September 25 and is free to visitors of the cathedral. 

Book Cover for the Exhibition


How do I get the book? I checked Amazon.