Anti-Catholic Art Alive and Well in San Antonio

By Sonja Harris
Lawn ornaments have religious but also secular meaning---all on display
TEXAS---If residents of San Antonio don’t wake up to the reality of what is overtaking their city, there won’t be any resemblance to the quite conservative place I call my hometown. San Antonio is not alone in the ‘dumbing down’ or perversion of the arts. An old Victorian style house close to downtown San Antonio is the home of Art SA Gallery. Needless to say, I was totally disappointed by what I saw. The ‘art’ displayed at this gallery reflects the anti-Catholic, anti-Christian theme that is prevalent throughout our country today. It is obvious that this gallery caters to the homosexual and anti-Catholic clientele rather than to the general public. [link]

One of two scenes depicting Christ having Last Supper from from large plastic bottles.