Three Gifts Wrapped in the True Meaning of Christmas

"The Adoration of the Three Kings" (1530) by Girolamo da Santacroce
Every Christmas, we've exchanged three gifts inspired by the example of the Three Kings (Wise Men). The “gold” gift, is the big item on the mind of the receiver; the second gift of “frankincense” is for spiritual growth, and is typically a work of religious art; and the third gift of “myrrh” is for the body. This year, I'm extending this framework to other family members, but rather than giving a sermonette each time, I will use colored wrapping paper. The "Mind" gift in gold paper; the "Soul" gift in "white" paper for holiness; and the "Body" gift in "red" for the blood Christ shed. Overly complicated? Maybe, but complex meanings are what helps make a Holyday.


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