Happy Valentine's Day: Sad Week For Same-Sex Marriage Foes

Buddhist Monk "Kukai" by Ryan Grant Long. Courtesy of Jesus In Love Blog
INDIANA---Buddhists, Christians, Jews and other people of faith are celebrating marriage this week because of major victories against the opponents of same-sex marriage. Residents in Indiana, Virginia and Kentucky are all celebrating after major legislative or judicial victories leading to the national Freedom to Marry. Howe Chin, a gay Buddhist activist in Indiana credited the mobilization of people of faith who "deployed special rituals of the body, speech, and mind, including the use of symbolic gestures, mystical prayers, and spiritually centered concentration" reminiscent of the gay monk Kukai (774–835). The monk, also known as Kōbō-Daishi, founded Shingon Buddhism in Japan and credited with everything from inventing the kana alphabet to introducing homosexuality to Japan. [See IndyStar]