10 Commandments: Judith Prays' Bracelet Project

By Avishay Artsy
Ashira Siegel made this bracelet to represent the commandment against bearing false witness.
The bracelet is designed to reveal the “breaks in communication” caused by lying, Siegel said.
NEW YORK---How often do you think about the Ten Commandments? Artist Judith Prays began thinking about the commandments in 2011 out of frustration with how hard it was for her to make decisions. She wanted to make the commandments more immediate in her life, so she handmade bracelets for herself — 10 simple copper bands, each with one commandment stamped on it. Prays eventually gave all her copper bands away, but that encounter sparked the idea for what’s become the Bracelet Project. She commissioned 10 artists to each make a bracelet based on one of the commandments. Then, 10 writers were each given a bracelet and wrote an essay based on his or her experience wearing it. [link]
