One of the many labyrinths available for viewing and meditation in New Harmony, Indiana |
New Harmony, Indiana (pop. 766) is a remote town established in 1814 by a group of Christians who broke with the larger world to build their "utopian" version of heaven. They are called the "Harmonists," a group who escaped from Lutheran persecution in Germany. "Today, visitors from all over the world come to experience the town's legacy of spiritual and artistic endeavors spanning over 200 years. They say the veil between heaven and earth is very thin here," Linda Warrum, a Town Council member told
The Chicago Tribune. "You can't see it and you can't touch it, but you can feel it.” We'll be there
this weekend, August 21-23, 2015.
Visitors can also view New Harmony’s iconic Roofless Church and explore its two labyrinths. |