2018 Alpha Omega Prize Finalist:
Carole has taken an 1844 Psalm book used in the churches for religious purposes, sliced it into a series of thin strips which are then rejoined, reconnected on her sewing machine. |
Carole P. Kunstadt creates exquisite, tactile works, most often from religious materials such as the Bible and related texts. In this
issue, we are featuring her Sacred Poem Series, which she made out of the physical material of the book Parish Psalmody, A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, which was published in 1844 and 1849. Kunstadt re-presents the psalmody in stunning, poignant ways. Kunstadt has shown her work widely in many galleries and museums, including the Museum of Biblical Art, The Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, and Minnesota Center for Book Arts. [